Derma Roller (Microneedle) - Procedure, Benefit, Treatment & Cost (2025)

We all love to flaunt glowing and blemish-free skin. But most of the times, we fall short of achieving our dream of flawless skin and rather spend time looking at ways to overcome the existing skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, etc. Many of these often involve expensive treatment methods which are definitely a cause of concern. However, there are some treatments which are not as expensive or as risky as other cosmetic treatments. One such treatment method is derma roller.

What Is A Derma Roller?

A derma roller is a medical grademicro-needling device which is used for skin regeneration. It is made of a heavy-duty plastic roller head which has about thousands of tiny needles on its surface. These needles are either made of stainless steel or titanium. Different rollers have a different number of needles. Ideally, there would be about 90 to 450 needles and the size of the needles would be between 0.25mm to 3mm.

Derma Roller Procedure

A derma roller treatment basically entails the needle-covered device which is gently rolled on your skin so that it can cover all the areas of the skin. It is a cosmetic procedure which is less invasive and has hardly any downtime. When the needles gently penetrate your skin, it stimulates the flow of blood and acts as an exfoliator. You can think of it as a device used for massaging your skin.

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Is Derma Roller Good For Skin?

The major benefits of conventional micro-needling include:

  • Skin problems such as scars can be treated by using a derma roller, as it helps in stimulating the elastin and collagen present in the skin.
  • The increase in the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated by derma roller which helps in smoothening out the wrinkles in a natural way. The time is taken to see the positive results will depend upon the severity of your wrinkles.
  • The harsh UV rays of the sun can damage our skin constantly. Derma roller can help in repairing our sun-damaged skin by stimulating collagen which rejuvenates the skin from within. This device also helps in quick absorption of any topical treatment.
  • Hyperpigmentation, mostly on the skin’s surface, can be treated by using derma roller for the face. It helps by normalizing the melanocyte cells, skin peeling, as well as easy absorption of any skin lightening product, used topically.
  • Stretch marks can also be made less visible with this device.
  • Acne is another skin condition which can benefit from using a derma roller.

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What Is The Treatment Procedure?

The size of the needles would be determined by the area to be used and individual skin condition, whether you are using derma roller for face scars or for any other skin condition. Based on individual requirements the needle would be chosen. For example, for light acne scars, you should use needles which are 0.5mm in size while for enlarged pores only a dermatologist must administer the procedure with needles which are 2.0 mm to 2.5 mm in size.

Below is a step-by-step instruction on how to use the derma roller:

  • The first step is to disinfect the needles and wash your own face with a mild cleanser.
  • Next, depending upon your tolerance level for pain and the size of the needle, you can apply a numbing cream on the areas on which you will be using the device.
  • Gently start rolling the device over your skin by first rolling it in the same directions (example, vertically) for about 6-8 times. Keep doing this until the whole face is covered.
  • Once done, go back to the starting point and start rolling the tool in a perpendicular direction. Make sure you use the tool on all the areas of the skin.
  • After you have covered the entire face, you can use plain water to wash your face. Make sure that your derma roller is also cleaned and disinfected.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

Since each of us has a different skin type, skin tone, and skin condition, there is no exact time which can be set for you to see the results. However, you can see minute results on a weekly basis and you will definitely notice changes after about one to three months of using the derma tool.

Derma Roller Treatment Cost In India

The cost of a single session of derma roller treatment ranges between Rs 1,500 and Rs 5,000. The procedure usually requires 3-6 sessions based on the skin’s needs. The cost of treatment varies from one person to another based on the skin condition, underlying cause, the number of sessions required.

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This article provides medical information about various procedures for awareness purposes only. We want to help you know about the various treatment options beyond the services available at Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic. We request you weigh the pros and cons of these aesthetic practices and make an informed decision about your skin and hair health.

Derma Roller TreatmentPost Care

  • Always use a mild cleanser and plain water to cleanse your face for the next 48 hours. Also, be gentle while drying your skin and ensure that before all of this your hands are clean as well
  • Use a mineral-based moisturizer which will keep your skin hydrated and avoid any dryness on the skin
  • You can also use hyaluronic acid (HA) to hydrate the skin and bring the skin’s pH balance back to normal. You can use serums which contain HA in them
  • Try and avoid using any makeup for at least 12 hours after the treatment. Do not let any makeup brush come near the treated skin as it can cause further skin problems
  • Make sure that once you are done with the treatment, you need to apply a layer of sunscreen which is at least SPF 30.

How Much Does Derma Roller Cost?

Remember, there are several derma rollers available in the market. Based on the make, brand and needle size, they may come at a price range between Rs 300 and Rs 1200 in stores or online market place.

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DermaRoller Side Effects On Skin

  • Redness of the skin is one of the most common side effect seen. It might appear like a sunburn but it will generally fade away after some time
  • While using longer needles, there are chances that your skin would become drier and rougher than usual. This side effect also fades away after few days and with the help of a good moisturizer
  • If you have sensitive skin, you might observe inflammation after the treatment. But it will subside after a couple of hours
  • Your skin would be super sensitive to the sun which is why it is ideal to avoid any kind of direct exposure to the sun
  • Pain and bleeding are also common side effects which occur during the procedure, so do not panic.
  • Some of the other common side effects include scratched skin, irritation of the skin, bruises, trigger new acne outbreaks, scars might appear which may make you look worse.
  • The most serious side effect is the occurrence of infection if you do not use a clean and disinfected derma roller. The bacteria remaining on the device from its previous use can lead to various skin infections, which in turn, will only worsen your condition.

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Any skin condition on the surface can be easily treated by using derma rollers which are less expensive than the other cosmetic treatments. But do remember to consult your dermatologist and seek help for conditions which go deeper into the skin.

Derma Roller (Microneedle) - Procedure, Benefit, Treatment & Cost (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.