1. See You Yesterday - Rotten Tomatoes
Two teenage science prodigies spend every spare minute working on their latest homemade invention: backpacks that enable time travel.
Two teenage science prodigies spend every spare minute working on their latest homemade invention: backpacks that enable time travel. When one of their older brothers is killed, they put their unfinished project to the test to save him.
2. See You Yesterday (Film, 2019) - MovieMeter.nl
See You Yesterday (2019) · Genre: Sciencefiction · Speelduur: 86 minuten · Oorsprong: Verenigde Staten · Geregisseerd door: Stefon Bristol · Met onder meer: Eden ...
Sciencefiction film geregisseerd door Stefon Bristol. Met Eden Duncan-Smith, Dante Crichlow en Astro.
3. Kijktip: See You Yesterday - Tijdreizen tegen onrecht | Pixel Vault
8 jun 2020 · Regisseur Stefon Bristol heeft vijf jaar aan het filmproject gewerkt. De eerste versie was een korte film, die hij als afstudeerproject ...
Wat zou je doen als je kon tijdreizen? In See You Yesterday zijn twee tieners vastberaden om een brute uiting van politiegeweld ongedaan te maken.
4. See You Yesterday - David Das
Netflix has just released their new spy-thriller film See You Yesterday. I was privileged to serve on the music team under composer Michael Abels.
Netflix has just released their new spy-thriller film See You Yesterday. I was privileged to serve on the music team under composer Michael Abels. SYY is the story of two teen prodigies try to master the art of time travel, leading to a tragic police shooting which sends them on a series of dangerous trips to the past. It’s a highly entertaining cross between Back to the Future and Boyz n the Hood. SYY was directed by Stefon Bristol and written by Bristol and Fredrica Bailey. It stars Eden Duncan-Smith, Dante Crichlow and Astro.
Executive produced by Spike Lee, two Brooklyn teenage science prodigies build a time machine to stop one's brother from being wrongfully killed by the police.
Executive produced by Spike Lee, two Brooklyn teenage science prodigies build a time machine to stop one’s brother from being wrongfully killed by the police.
6. Black Brilliance, Untethered: (Re)viewing See You Yesterday
See You Yesterday is a 2019 film directed by Stefon Bristol that centers on Claudette Josephine (C.J.) Walker, a tenacious, brilliant Black girl, and her best ...
In the 2019 film, See You Yesterday, two brilliant, Black teenage prodigies, C.J. Walker and Sebastian Thomas, build an innovative invention: a backpack that enables time travel. When C.J.’s older brother is wrongfully killed by police, they use their unfinished project to save him. Despite multiple attempts, they learn the disheartening lesson of the perpetuity of anti-Blackness. However, (re)viewing the film as a critical dystopia opens up necessary conversations for schools on how to untether Black brilliance from the yolk of anti-Blackness to help students wholly reimagine their material and future worlds.
7. See You Yesterday movie review (2019) - Roger Ebert
Bristol has a vibrant eye, one clearly inspired by Lee's early films in terms of visual composition and style. He's also a promising director of actors, as ...
As fun as the sci-fi is here, it’s that core of frustrated anger at a broken country that really fuels everything that works about See You Yesterday.
8. See You Yesterday | 2019 Tribeca Festival
Based on Bristol's NYU short thesis film of the same name, See You Yesterday sees the young filmmaker's cinematic influences Do The Right Thing and Back To The ...
See AlsoZhou Xiaofei Academy Awards 2015Two Brooklyn teenage prodigies, C.J. Walker (Eden Duncan-Smith) and Sebastian Thomas (Dante Crichlow), build make-shift time machines to save C.J.'s brother, Calvin (Astro), from being wrongfully killed by a police officer.
9. See You Yesterday! - Indiegogo
See You Yesterday! will be shot in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn, NY. As a native Brooklynite and proud West Indian, Canarsie speaks to me on so many ...
What would it be like if you gave black youth a Time Machine to stop police violence? | Check out 'See You Yesterday! ' on Indiegogo.
10. See You Yesterday review – poignant time travel caper is a Netflix win
3 mei 2019 · While Bristol is working with limited means, he's crafted a film that's clearly made with a wide, blockbuster-sized audience in mind, capturing ...
This engaging, often ingenious, Spike Lee-produced adventure sees two teens try to stop a police shooting by going back in time
11. Netflix To Distribute Spike Lee-Produced Film 'See You ...
12 dec 2018 · Netflix has come aboard to distribute See You Yesterday, a travel drama produced by Spike Lee's 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks.
Netflix has come aboard to distribute See You Yesterday, a travel drama produced by Spike Lee’s 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks. The pic is the directorial debut from Stefon Bristol, Lee’s long-time NYU Graduate Film School protege. The script was co-written by Bristol and Fredrica Bailey. It’s based on their 2017 short film of […]
12. The Black Handguide to time travel: A review of 'See You Yesterday'
17 okt 2023 · For those of you who have not watched or heard of this film, it tells the story of two brilliant Black teens who invented time travel — in high ...
As a young Black woman who loves engaging with and consuming all kinds of media, I strive to find stories that reflect my identity and interests and tell amazing stories in powerful ways. Often within Black media in particular it can become cacophonous to see the same stories repeated — the films about slavery or the Civil Rights Movement that are only really showcased during Black History Month. I would be remiss to not express and acknowledge that these stories are important and necessary to talk about. These stories need to be told and remembered in order to educate and inspire us to create a better future. It is also important to recognize that these stories do not define us, but rather are part of our shared history.
13. 'See You Yesterday' is Netflix's time-traveling attack on police ...
Produced by Spike Lee, 'See You Yesterday' is a sci-fi drama film that world premiered at this year's Tribeca Film Festival.
14. Spike Lee Joint See You Yesterday Takes Us Back To The Future
Back to the Future is one of my all time favorite films!! I mean how can you go wrong with Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox?
Back to the Future is one of my all time favorite films!! I mean how can you go wrong with Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox? Which begs the question...if time travel were possible what would you change? I can think of a million different little things I would go back and do differently, but for Claudette the
15. See You Yesterday Movie Review | Common Sense Media
19 jan 2024 · Parents need to know that See You Yesterday is a teen-targeted drama that sets the problems of racist police brutality against a backdrop of ...
Teens travel back in time; violence, language. Read Common Sense Media's See You Yesterday review, age rating, and parents guide.